Friday, December 22, 2006

Our lovely tree! :)

Note that we paid for this tree, and did not steal it. I will post another picture when its dark so the lights show better.

Look at all the presents! :)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

What a nice Birthday!

I had a lovely birthday.

Birthday eve became birthday a little after midnight and we were still up, so Jim gave me the present that he had wandered down with the other day (a cardboard box) and started wrapping in birthday paper. I was all "Who is that for and why are you using birthday paper"? & he just looks at me and I say "HEY!" and he cracks up and says I *thought* you'd like that. Well there were a selection of dry-erase markers in all the colors of the rainbow which is *awesome!* I thought no one was going to get me any after William asked for suggestions & I suggested those and Jim got all mad because he was going to get them for me.

Then I went to bed and slept and got up for the rest of the birthday.

I slacked off all day - mailed some gifts, worked on some other gifts, hung out at the chicken pen a little. I did a tiny amount of work to fix something easy.

Jim came home early and brought me food of vietnam for lunch, by which point I was reaaaally hungry. Then I slacked off some more while Jim cleaned up the house all Sweetie-like.

William showed up with a hand-delivered bouquet of flowers. Awww! :)

Carla showed up around 3 something and we hung out talking about what our Arisia decorations will look like and looking up pictures of the star trek bridge. Jim went out to get food of thailand and Andy showed up too, just before Jim came back with the foods and me and Jim and Natalie and William and Carla and Andy ate up piles of thai food. Birthday of Asian delicacies, yay! :)

At some point Jim was over at the counter secretly frosting the cake he baked earlier, which came out really nice! Yellow with brown - my favorite.

There were presents from Mommy & Papa - thank you for the flower & pretty crystal rock - I love gardeny things!

We all played rat-a-tat cat which I lost miserably in 5 rounds - doubled Jims score and was the overall loser. Then I demanded the presents Jim was holding on to, and here's where it really got fun.

Jims first present came with the comment "No one ever checks those Amazon wish lists. Well I checked yours and got you something from it." Which was a CD which turned out to be some sort of Arabic yodeling. (Ayre). We laughed and laughed and kept waiting to hear which track made me put this CD on my wishlist. We haven't heard that one yet.

Jims next present was -yay- a game! Tiny mens to kill! I opened it up and went "HEEEYYY! are you just trying to FORCE me to upgrade to XP?" and Jim was affronted "No! read the box! - it will work on Windows 2000!" So I was all suspicious for no reason.

Finally Jim gives me a lovely card with sentiments in it, and I'm reading the nice prose about how old I was when we met, and how old I was when we started going out, and how old when we got married, and how he can't wait to see what happens next. All suspicious from before I say "this is a little creepy. Like stalking." Jim protests "It *can't* be creepy, we're *married!* Are you going to read the other side out loud?

And I wailed "But I wasn't sure if that was some sort of naughty euphemism and I shouldn't read it out loud!" And Jim's says "What??? How could it be?"

The right hand part has a single line:

"Wanna make some toast?"


Jim pointed out I've been complaining about the toaster a lot and for my birthday I may order that heirloom-quality blue one I've been looking at. That it's NOT some sort of dirty slogan :)

But when I drifted downstairs to look up toasters Jim was astounded at the prices of the models I liked - the models he'd been looking at were the "lite" model by the same manufacturer which are already very expensive.

So we compromised - they have 2 slot and 4 slot models which are extremely expensive, but on Amazon the 3-slot toaster is much less expensive than either the 2 or 4. (Plus there was a coupon.)

Nobody wants to make a prime number of toast!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's my Birthday and I'll Blog if I want to!

Well hello campers, geez it's been ages! I'm sooooo busy! :(
Nevermind that, I'll now post all the things I've been thinking of posting for the last month.

First: Our second snow. Pics from Dec 12th. The first snow was just a couple inches and it melted before I got to take pictures. I was sure this one would stick:

But no, it didn't stick.

Second: LOOK at it LOOK at it I've been making presents and not being able to post them because people could SEE them!

I made this little guy for Sarah, isn't he the cutest??? He's a Wallace and Gromit bunny ornament!

(I lightened the bunny for you Mommy!)