Friday, September 12, 2008

Natlie & all her Kittens

Now of course there is only Meeps! left. :)
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Dan & Owen

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I'm in!!! :) OK so you wouldn't think it would be so hard but I forgot Balthazar's password and the emails to send it weren't coming & logging into blogger as Balthazar was kicking me out of gmail, which is all I use now. SO I'm now officially (Caitlin) a contributor on this blog as my gmail account and can use PICASA with it, so y'all are in for it.

After I get some work done today.
So, until tonight, let's talk about JIM and JIM's SUMMER:

We went to the Adirondacks this summer as you may recall.
Photo of the view from the top of our hike here:

On this weekend, Jim:

  1. Got water in his ear to which he had an allergic reaction (and still doesn't think it's out)
  2. While we were on this hike through a swath of logging detritus Jim was the 4th or 5th person over a hornet nest and got stung 3 times by big black and white hornets that hurt a lot
  3. While screaming and running away from the hornets poor Sweetie fell down and banged his knee on a rock (it's still tender)
  4. A few weeks later at home Jim got stung by one of the wasps living in our plastic hose reel (which he said was not nearly as bad as the black and white NY hornets). He squirted them with death-inna-can in the night.
  5. The weekend after labor day Jim went camping with Adam, wherupon he came home with a spot of some sort of green goo in each of his hiking boots and promptly got some awful case of poison ivy (or sumac).

Does this sound like a 12 year old's summer to anyone else??? :)

PS Did I forget to mention that he has to get his braces put back on because his two front teeth won't stay where the orthodontist wanted them? Yeah. Uh huh.