Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Chicken Pics from Last Thursday

Trying to load these *again* =)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Pics won't load, but here there be words =)

Whoah long weekend. We went to Morgan's graduation from police academy on friday, then to Springfield to make a (pretty late) dinner for parental anniversary number 32, then Papa and Jim chatted in the kitchen while Mommy and I watched Natalie's awful backup copy of "The Forty Year Old Virgin", which seemed to be completely edited for time and content, and was still faaaar too vulgar for Mommy. Ha HA! :)

Back home Saturday to stop at Costco for meatballs and to finish cleaning what Natalie missed (but it wasn't too bad she did a nice job) and then cooking to prepare for hosting Morgan's graduation party, but no fire because of all the rain. Natalie has videos of flooded portions of cambridge and jeffersonville - she and Lisa and Andrea were making fake news reports - they would say to the cops "Please can we just drive past the roadblocks to take pictures?" and the cops would say "OK you girls, but don't drive into the water!"

Sunday Jim would have had to drive back to Springfield (well, White River sinc e mommy was so nice as to drive partway) because he forgot his laptop, but we paid Natalie to do it instead and we went to see the Da Vinci Code. It was OK, but didn't move that well and really the Indiana Jones Holy Grail movie was much better. Oh and "The Order" with Heath Ledger did scary secret Church societies much better. And Dogma had the "Jesus's relative" theme already, with the last Scion and all that, even though she wasn't a direct descendant in that movie but a spare cousin or some such... But all in all, this movie has already been done better by other people and the only drama is in the implication that "Ooh, maybe the church covered something up to conserve faith". Mmmm, like child-molesty priests, only *more* scandalous? :) "Ooh, Maybe Jesus was married." Well I don't see why being married would make him NOT divine, any man who has been married can attest to the saintlike patience and fortitude that can require. Oh but Sir Ian McKellan was totally awesome and I can't fault his wonderful performance even a little.

And then we had Thai food with Eve & Rom and Jill and we argued about scary religions, such as Scientology*.

* Scientology is scary to me personally as a personal opinion, no implication is intended that it is scary to anyone else. Although it sure should be.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

New Home!

Toooo many chicks! I went to the aubuchons and bought some shavings and a kiddie pool (ripoff!!!) for the babies, which gives them a bit more legroom. I wanted a bigger pool but this one fit in my car. They seem to have stopped eating the shavings, so that's good.

Then I posted on freecycle asking if anyone had a 6 foot one, and someone said he did so I went to get it but it was never six feet - it was the same size as the one I bought. Anyway now I have two and later when they outgrow this one I'll build a bridge so they can be in two. I don't want to separate half of them without a bridge because then I'm making two flocks and they'll fight when they're put back together.

The 8 banties went home with Romni on wednesday, I trust they're doing well.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Doing OK

Well Two of the banties died yesterday but they are all doing fine today. I researched online and someone said sometimes they don't know to go to the other side of the box if they are too hot, so maybe that was it and I made them a much bigger box and kept the light far away and they seem OK now.

All the regular chicks are doing great and are very vigorous - they are jumping around and I was down there looking for poopy butts and cleaning them with a wet washcloth - fun - they can die if their butts get clogged. Anyway I put a big yellow one in with the banties to see what he'd do, and he looked around, went "CHEEEP! CHEEEP! CHEEEEP!" and pecked one of the banties. He knew this wasn't where I took him out of - so I stuck him back in with the rest and he was happy.

Look how cute! :)

Monday, May 01, 2006

The chicks are here!

Whoah these little guys are sooo cute! But there's too many! The receipt says they shipped extra red star males for warmth, which I figured out as I tried to count them - there are way more than 25 chicks plus 10 banties in here - I couldn't count while they moved around but maybe from the pictures.

Anyway the banties were too small to reach the food and looked like they might get hurt and while a dark colored chick did die in shipping it doesn't seem to have been a bantie now that I count them). So I put them back in the shipping box with their own food and water.

After watching them all for a while I came upstairs and they started really screaming loudly cheeeeeeeep! cheeeeeeeeep! so I went to check what was wrong and their lights were plugged into a light socket that turned off with the switch, so it had gotten all dark and they were upset. I switched outlets and now it's all good.

ARGH the photos won't load, I'll post them in a little while. =)

Note - one of the little ones is probably not going to make it - it looks all broken and keeps it's head arched back and keeps convulsing. Maybe the others trampled it. Good thing I separated the little ones from the bigger ones or they'd all be goners!