Saturday, May 06, 2006

New Home!

Toooo many chicks! I went to the aubuchons and bought some shavings and a kiddie pool (ripoff!!!) for the babies, which gives them a bit more legroom. I wanted a bigger pool but this one fit in my car. They seem to have stopped eating the shavings, so that's good.

Then I posted on freecycle asking if anyone had a 6 foot one, and someone said he did so I went to get it but it was never six feet - it was the same size as the one I bought. Anyway now I have two and later when they outgrow this one I'll build a bridge so they can be in two. I don't want to separate half of them without a bridge because then I'm making two flocks and they'll fight when they're put back together.

The 8 banties went home with Romni on wednesday, I trust they're doing well.

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