Monday, May 01, 2006

The chicks are here!

Whoah these little guys are sooo cute! But there's too many! The receipt says they shipped extra red star males for warmth, which I figured out as I tried to count them - there are way more than 25 chicks plus 10 banties in here - I couldn't count while they moved around but maybe from the pictures.

Anyway the banties were too small to reach the food and looked like they might get hurt and while a dark colored chick did die in shipping it doesn't seem to have been a bantie now that I count them). So I put them back in the shipping box with their own food and water.

After watching them all for a while I came upstairs and they started really screaming loudly cheeeeeeeep! cheeeeeeeeep! so I went to check what was wrong and their lights were plugged into a light socket that turned off with the switch, so it had gotten all dark and they were upset. I switched outlets and now it's all good.

ARGH the photos won't load, I'll post them in a little while. =)

Note - one of the little ones is probably not going to make it - it looks all broken and keeps it's head arched back and keeps convulsing. Maybe the others trampled it. Good thing I separated the little ones from the bigger ones or they'd all be goners!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sweety ,
Can't wait for those pictures !!! God bless , bisous Maman

Anonymous said...

They are soooooooooooooo cute . You are a proud mama I am sure . It is overwhelming to know that they depend entirely on your good care to make it . I wish I could get some more pets !!!
God bless , love , bisous , by the time I'll see them they'll be all grownup ... they are so colorful the chirping must be soothing no?

Anonymous said...

How many ,I could not count them !!! bisous ,God bless ,maman