Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Doing OK

Well Two of the banties died yesterday but they are all doing fine today. I researched online and someone said sometimes they don't know to go to the other side of the box if they are too hot, so maybe that was it and I made them a much bigger box and kept the light far away and they seem OK now.

All the regular chicks are doing great and are very vigorous - they are jumping around and I was down there looking for poopy butts and cleaning them with a wet washcloth - fun - they can die if their butts get clogged. Anyway I put a big yellow one in with the banties to see what he'd do, and he looked around, went "CHEEEP! CHEEEP! CHEEEEP!" and pecked one of the banties. He knew this wasn't where I took him out of - so I stuck him back in with the rest and he was happy.

Look how cute! :)


Anonymous said...

Here chickie, chickie, chickie!

I like the close-up of the barred chick face-down in the feeder :-)


Anonymous said...

i'm sure you are very excited and haveing tons of fun with these little balls of fur. i'll be back next saturday... so hopefully ill get to see these things when they're still tiny, before they get mange and start eating each other.

Pat & Reg said...

Do you have these chicks for eggs? Or are they like a bunch of pets for the backyard? Or maybe some chicken dinners?

Living here in a studio apartment in Hollywood, anything other than a spoiled housecat is out of the question.


These are going to be for eggs and for backyard pets. The Auracanas even are supposed to lay green eggs! :) We don't like killing animals. Except we can't keep all (15 or 20) of those extra roosters McMurray hatchery mailed "for warmth", we're going to have to eat those, which is a pain. Maybe I can give them away and someone else can chop all their heads off - I just can't tell the roosters apart right now. The yellow ones must be the extras, since there are so many of them and I only ordered a few of each color. :)

Anonymous said...

don't kill themM!!!!!!!!!!!! let them go free.. -n

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm where's Colonel Sanders?

Pat & Reg said...

They're very cute. I hope you like waking up early! My great aunt lives in Pomona, which is a very old part of Los Angeles county east of downtown. She's a bit deaf but her neighbors have roosters.... in the middle of the barrio. I always forget about this when I spend the night until around 5:30 am. THEN I remember!