Thursday, February 15, 2007

Happy Valentines Snow Day!

OK this has been the MOST snow I've ever seen all at once.
We went out and played in it last night, and you can't really tell from the photos but it is waist deep. Higher on Romni. We got 38 inches yestersay, and we already had probably a foot an a half.

The deck around 4 wed. Note you can still see the wood of the picnic table..

6:00 PM

Fondue for dinner, note how interested Griffin is. She leaaaned over and bothered us all dinner. :)

8:30 PM

Almost midnight

The next morning.

The deck from the upstairs bathroom

The bird garden. That lump next to the bird house is a 3 foot tall birdbath. These would be awful days to stop feeding the birds. Awesomeness: we've had some cardinals for several days!

The trail out to the chickens that Natalie, Romni, William, Caesar and I made last night. It was exhausting and we had to carry poor Caesar, even the trail we were pushing was 2 feet deep over his head. They'll need water today, I'm thinking about snowshoes.

The cars. That's a pontiac Vibe behind a Volkswagon Golf on the right, and a Plymouth Neon on the left, in case you can't tell. In the middle, the detritus from William driving over on a limping Snowmobile, plus Natalie and Romni and I playing King of the Mountain. Romni fights dirty, but she's easy to toss around. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

How to propose to Natalie

Natalie apparently laid down the "rules" for proposing over dinner at Chili's. Here are the "notes" William took, on his beer coaster :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

We Love our Wii!

It's 1:00 AM, Jim and I should sooooo be in bed, but Caitlin has *finally* found an application for her favorite fight-move ever: the windmill.

Flail arms in a rotating motion, like pasties tassels at a cabaret. Repeat.
Jim remarks that I'm sure doing a lot of killing to all that air.
"The grass, too!" I point out with smug satisfaction.

The Wii manual says that I can roll the nunchuck (left handheld, which is attached to the right-hand remote by a cable) side-to-side while swinging the right-hand remote back and forth to effect a spinning sweep attack.

I windmill so vigorously, I pull the cables between my handhelds taut. Little shop of horrors biting plants explode before they can come up out of the tall grass. Swamp goblins and flying bats and rats explode in flashes of light. I mow the tall grass flat. Instead of turning on my lantern, I windmill down long dark tunnels, holding down the Z-key to auto-target enemies. I beat the walls and the floor and the lighting fixtures and the ever-present grass clumps.

Jim sighs in disgust at my complete lack of finesse.
Ha HA! Am I enjoying this game targeted at probably thirteen-year-olds? Hell yeah! Is my horse name a dirty euphemism? Darn Straight!

"Oh hi Caitlin, I washed [euphemism] for you." Coos the girl at the lake, whom I can tell by the lighting and music and her giant eyelashes that my big-eyed extra manly teen character is sweet on.
Ahh, now that's how you play the game. :)

Thanks Kagan & Alexe, I know we've been awful about thank-you notes, but we really are enjoying it. Thank you notes are in the works for everyone, I swear!