Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Compare & Contrast

Jim spent a lot of the weekend in the attic, all sweaty & hot... and hooked up the ductwork for the hood! Yay Jim!



I say, it's coming along nicely, eh old fruit?

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hi Kittens :)

How is everyone doing? I'm working a lot, & I've been cranky, which turned out to be helped a lot by a deep cleaning of the house. I spend a lot of time in here, and when my house is not in order, it affects my mood. Evidently. :)
Naughty Romni! Watch where you throw that thing, I mean, just look at Caesar's feet! :)

Two of these things... are not where they should be...

Glorious Sunset, April 30th.

This photo has not been retouched in any way.