Thursday, May 15, 2008

This one's for you, Dan

We all know new technology is driven by, let's face it, sex.
Anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence as well all point to people providing prurient content being the early adopters for any new technology, and while I don't know the percent of naughty sites on the internet but a google search on the word "sex" returned a page that said

Results 1 - 10 of about 823,000,000

OK a lot of those are not going to be porn, but lots and lots are.

That's why, every now and then, I find it utterly refreshing to run across a web site that is so different from the rest that I can't even tell if it's serious or a joke. Jim found this on a blog collection and it is absolutely wonderful - this one's for you Dan.

This is a web site where beautiful, helpless girls, get their tricked out cars stuck in the mud/sand/snow and full pictorials and even videos of the girls completely (poutily) unable to free their cars from whatever mess they've got themselves into. There's no nudity so visit away there is nothing shocking except the possibility that somewhere someone is serious about this.

The fuchsia VW about 5 cars down on the home page is particularly lovely.

You're welcome. :)