Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Boy lots of stuff backed up to post about, but for today let's just show a lovely series of pictures of Caesar's outfit!

AWWWW what a cute little sheep-dog! :)

And here's a nice spiderweb that Jim & I made (mostly Jim) for Halloween out of tomato twine on the side of the house. I "sharpened" this in photoshop so you could see it better, even so you may need to blow it up... IMAGINE THE SPIDER!

May you all have a lovely Halloween. We're gonna hole up and watch scarey movies on TV tonight after I get some more work done - drowning a little over here.

Don't forget what tomorrow is! =)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Caitlin's Chickenerrarium

Photos taken this very evening. I tells ya, these little buggers will be going outside this weekend - I started prepping the pen for them wednesday but found it just wasn't a one-afternoon job, so they are still inna basement! :)

Altogether now, to the "Jaws" theme...


Da-dump Da-dump

Da-dump Da-dump Da-dump...


Aren't they just adorables? :)