Friday, January 19, 2007

Arisia Pics Begin! :)

OK here is a hand-drawn attempt at what the suite layout was, followed by a "before" pictorial. OK here is a hand-drawn attempt at what the suite layout was, followed by a "before" pictorial.

The big suite room. This is the pointy corner to the right, and right after I snapped this photo Natalie got a brilliant idea. Note that All these photos were taken in about a minute, and Natalie had to *race* to get in front of me. :)

Same corner, panning right.

Panning more right. The little bar and you can see the outside door to the hallway to Natalie's right.

The hallway to the bedrooms, this is to the left of where Natalie was in the last photo.

The king room. This is where we put all the beds from the double room plus all our stuff.

The king bathroom. Very nice, but a tiny mirror in an alcove so there was fighting over it at makeup time.

Double bedroom, where the bridge ended up.

Little hallway to small bathroom.

A better pic of the little hallway.

Small bathroom.

Photos of party to follow. This post took an hour. :(

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