Monday, November 07, 2005

My Lovely Kitty Lumps

Whoah, I've been so busy working all weekend that I've missed TWO of Natalie's updates! Even though I had to work, Jim & I went for a walk on Sunday and sat in the field and let the wind practically blow us away while we watched clouds stream hard and fast across the mountain - from behind to the right, dipping into the valley in the middle, and blowing back over to the left. It was like they all came in a line and there was a neverending supply of them. The wind blew Caesar's ears back while he sprang about chasing a ball & getting burdocks on his legs.

When we come down to work in the morning (Caesar & I ) Balthazar attacks Caesar & they race around growling and running and being unbelievably cute. Balthazar flies across the room & races up the couch under the cover, and fights with Caesar from under the blanket. Then he comes out, licks his tail and looks completely uninterested until Caesar turns away, then he *pounces* and bites Caesar's legs.

You'll be glad to know that I've got a huge backlog of naughty kitty pics to upload for you - I still take 'em, even if I'm very very busy. =)

1 comment:

Pat & Reg said...

Oh please hurry! I love the pictures of balthazar. Your animal family makes me laugh and I look forward to all of your new updates.