Monday, April 23, 2007

The floor goes in...

It's adorable Kagan, the way you think Natalie might want to help with annoying kitchen remodeling tasks. How amusing. =)
She did help a little bit with the rip out.

New 1/4 inch subfloor... We did NOT do our own floor, that was done by a nice guy named Randy that subs for Main Street Flooring in Essex. They were pretty good even though there was a giant delay in getting samples and thus it set everything else back, that's not really their fault.

Long view of the subfloor

Mmmmm, blue. This is a really nice floor y'all will see when you visit, and not at all too dark because the light bounces all around the cabinets and counters and doesn't have a chance to get sucked up by the floor. Which I polished until it shines like the top of the Chrysler building.





Able Ponder said...

pretty pretty!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.