Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hey! Natalie! Update!

OK Natalie, we have just upgraded our satellite modem & service. The jerks've been holding out on us, and (naturally) for a fee and a larger monthly payment, we can have a little tower that glows blue and, so far, seems to improve our upload speeds by a factor of 10. Ten. TEN times as fast on the upload. (Download is almost twice as fast.) SO, I can post more pictures, faster. However, YOU have not updated your blog in *ages*, and I've got to tell you I have some pretty awesome Balthazar photos that I'm holding back until you keep up your end of the bargain. Skank. :)

1 comment:

nataliecoughlin said...

sorry for the delay, but i didn't have anything passionate to write about and i thought... why bore my audience? your turn.