Thursday, February 02, 2006

Question For Ya

So what's the worse possible time the power can go out?

I called Jim (we still have phone most times when the power goes out) & he said "In the middle of an upload?" Wrong. Nevermind his other suggestion. ;)

Dave guessed "When you have a huge project due for a client that they've prepaid you for & you've already spent the money." OK that was worse, but not what happened.

Carla guessed in the winter, since she just had her furnace go out I can see that. But no.

Dan Scott guessed first try.

(I get bored with no power & start returning calls from months ago)

I'll tell you when it is, it's when you're in the shower, all soaped and shampooed up and the water dribbles away to nothing and realization dawns on you that there isn't going to be any more. Aaaargh!
I had to dry off all soapy and go downstairs to drain the last of the hot & cold water out of the empty water cooler & pour it into the cat-punishing-squirt-bottle & squirt the shampoo out of my hair over the bathroom sink.

OK and listen, do yesterday's photos look like repeats to anyone else, or is it Natalie's own fault for looking at all the photos on my hard drive over break?

Here are some Christmas photos :)

Alexe & Caesar.

If you look closely, you can see that about 50 pages have been turned since I snapped the first photo.

Baby blankets for us???

(Mommy: "_YOU_ made _these_???" :) )

How sweet!

What hairpiece?

Aww even Balthazar gets a scarf!

Not sure he loves it though.


Anonymous said...

These are all completely new to me.

Had we a digital camera, we could start one of these, themed, "what did the dogs destroy today??"

I found some really fun things for you in a boutique in La Jolla while I was in San Diego last week. They wrapped em all up nice and cute. They were sitting on a shelf waiting to be mailed, and when I got home from work the other day, they had been destroyed. Unwrapped, and destroyed. One little box survived, with the little present inside. You'll be getting that soon.

One day it was a dozen or so granola bars. Yesterday, for the second time, they openned the fridge. OPENNED THE FRIDGE!

Last time it was 20 bucks worth of ground beef and lamb. Yesterday? A package of bacon, and an 18 pack of raw eggs.

Didn't find the gooey poo in the basement until the morning.

Nice pictures here though!
Big hug!

Pat & Reg said...

Love the pictures! Finally! I've been checking back for weeks! I know, you don't have a clue who I am but I love the pics of Balthazar. You seem to have a nice family too! The blankets are awesome too.


Thanks Reg, I appreciate my blog having a fan. It keeps me motivated to post more even when Natalie doesn't deserve a post. ;)

Natalie made those blankets with her own troll fingers, she taught herself and seems to have a lot of idle time on her hands. :)

Anonymous said...

you're just jealous becasue all you got were scarfs.