Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I bet you're all wondering...

How's my butt? :)
Well, good news, while it was *very* tender for the first few days, basically whenever moving in any way or also sitting still (so bite me Natalie, 'cause your needles don't require an xray to get them right next to your *bones*) it seems to have helped. Knock on wood. The tenderness from the shot has mostly dissipated, and now I have only the slightest of tenderness in my tailbone region, every now and then. Of course I'm coddling it like it's a calcium-deficient DDT egg, but all the same I had been in an increasing amount of pain lately, and now it seems a lot better. Not to jinx it or anything.

Plus temperatures are in the high 60s! Look at the kitty, checking out the smells of Spring! (the hole in the screen, if you can see it, is because Skeff the Great Dane got tired of being on the porch on Saturday night during Adam's birthday party, reared up on his hind legs, and busted the screen out of the door with a large bang! that scared everyone in the kitchen half to death. Frank was outside trying to get the screen back in the door and telling the dog "Uh-Oh!", which had the dog looking all worried and sheepish. So we knew about "Nothing here for dogs!" and "lay down!" and "eat your kibbles!" but "Uh-Oh" is new. =) )


Anonymous said...

Hi sweets ,
I am very glad your "derriere" is all better . I had no idea it was that lingering and forever 2 year pain in the butt . You never complained overly . i am aweful glad it is "derriere " toi now .
Big dogs are not worth their keep really unles harnessed and pulling you in a cart to earn their keep !!! Are you minus a screen now ???
I think you should ink me on your calendar so I feel invited !!! God bless love , Maman

Anonymous said...

Hows the cats butt doing?

Anonymous said...

you know what i'm wondering? WHERE THE HECK ARE THE UPDATES, BIATCH? -me