Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sometimes it Snows in April

Hey, we're due to get 6 to 8 inches of snow today, and it took me almost 50 minutes to get into Essex to meet with the money cherub today. So I hope you are all enjoying your sunny, spring weather in NOT Underhill.

And here's a little history lesson of what it's like living with Balthazar, as evidenced by these two photos of our mantel, from November and again just after an "incident" last week. Click to enlarge if they're too hard to read. =)


Anonymous said...

and the cat still has its fur?

I lost a bunch of aloe plants to my theory that a week of high temp meant spring was here. Hoping the babies will recupe.

I want pictures of the snow, when it comes!

Big hug sista.

Anonymous said...

he's pretty much awesome.

Pat & Reg said...

That Balthazar! *shaking my head* My cat doesn't destroy stuff, but she thinks my closet/dressing area is an acceptable alternative place to pee. She generally waits until I've got it nice and clean, dry and smell free. I just want to strangle her fat little neck sometimes!!

Anonymous said...

nee ner nee ner my cat is more physically fit than yours. har har


Natalie, you're a real brat.