Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Shot in the Ass!

Today was a very bad day. Let me essplain - no there is too much. Let me sum up.
I went to the pain center (in Burlington), which Jim drove me to because part of the deal is that I must bring a driver. Of course I was all worked up and stressed out over getting this done - they thought a shot of steroids might help with my lower back (butt) pain from that time I fell down the stairs and it still hurts two years later. I go in & they put me on a table and xray my butt to see exactly where the needle goes in and swab it and put in a local anesthetic and give me a squishy grenade stress ball to squeeze because I'm really starting to freak out and shoot me in the ass with a big needle and I'm going "ow ow ow ow!" but it wasn't as bad as, say, a bee sting and then they're done and I'm unbelievably stressed out. This is all right at the coccyx so right at the top of the butt crack.

So the doctor's like "see, we barely go in there" pointing at the monitor and I'm like "that's three inches deep! That better be magnified!" which it was. I'm so stressed out the nurse won't let me cross the hall she puts me in a wheelchair and wheels me over to a different room and goes to get Jim. So Jim wanders in singing Bonjovi - "Shot in the ass, and it's too late, darling you give looove - a bad name!"
So we leave and if anything weird happens like I get a fever or anything I'm to call back right away. In a few days after a possible flare up of pain, this may block all the pain I've been feeling. But it's been VERY STRESSFUL!

On the plus side, we stopped in at Mr G's to wander around and take my mind off it, and they get all the costco returns so I got very excited finding work shirts and pants for Jim for less than half the *costco* price. Stuff we've liked enough to pay the full costco price, such as a silk hawaiian shirt that was $20 for about $7. Very awesome.

And look at this: last night it was pouring snow and we made a fire and fondue from a packet which was not bad, and (I) drank wine & we watched a movie. The great train robbery, with Sean Connery & Donald Sutherland. It was pretty good, a little slower paced than today's heist movies, but fun anyway. Look at the perfect cheese spiral!

And this is for you Alexe, unless that "Anonymous" was Kagan, then it's for Kagan: the yard this morning, on April 5th in Underhill Vermont.


Anonymous said...

puuuussyyyyyy :)

now try that six times a day

Anonymous said...

but i love how jim makes you feel better. and what a lovely spiral. although i was too busy going "foooooooood... real foooooood" to notice at first. jk