Thursday, June 01, 2006

JimE in a TreE!

We lost lots of branches this winter, and a pretty big one was just a hanging down and would not come down from the other branch it had locked wills with. Jim climbed allll the way up the ladder that was a present from Mama and Papa and then into the tree itself to chop both offending branches down. See teeny Jim all the way up there??! :)

Oh and here's a lovely photo of Natalie snuggling with her blender. I stole it - it was on the coffee table - and snapped a digital photo of the print ha HA. I burnt out my rubber blender gear (repair in progress) and have been missing my blender, so this picture is very appropos of the warm feelings between a girl and her blender. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seeing Jim up there makes my feet tingle!!
Hmmm, maybe we can get Jim to help roof our cabin...