Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Birthday Alexe!

Happy Birthday Alexe! Kagan better get you nice presents and pamper you even extra, after making you sleep in a truck bed for a month with no running water!
I believe (Happy Wife = Happy Life) and I should think the inverse would be true as well. *kisses&love!*

So Saturday morning I wake up, crawl over and curl up pretty much _on_ Jim, wrap my arms around his neck...

Me: "tell me you love me!"
Jim: "I love you."

Me: "Whisper me sweet nothings!"
Jim: (thinks for a minute) ... "Frequently, you smell nice."

Me: (screeching) "HEY! That means that SOMETIMES I SMELL BAD!"
Jim (smug as can be) "Well that's what you get on a command performance."

And now, for your viewing pleasure, photographic evidence of us muuuurdering chickens. The extra roosters - not the pet birds. Thank Natalie for the unauthorized paparazzi presence. Through the kitchen window - we had no idea. :)


Anonymous said...

I am not a muuuuderer!


Anonymous said...

I am not a paparazzi! I'm a voyeur!
