Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Oh, the Hair-manity! :)

Jim & Steve and John went down to North Carolina a few months back to bring up the contents of their Moms storage locker to her so she could stop paying monthly storage fees. Well Jim got some dulcimer-making supplies that his dad had bought, and his Mom promised to send up the plans if she could find them as she sorted through the piles of stuff.

Yesterday JimE got a box of tidbits that his Momma thought he might enjoy - trinkets from Korea we can't identify, a yellowed news article about him working at the cider press in West Newbury... and this undated yet clearly amazing homage to the eighties.

Yay! :)


Anonymous said...

I have really curly hair! I'd been swimming in salt water! It was humid out!
OK, maybe it shouldn't have been that long...


Anonymous said...

Why apologize !!! You look great Jim , Stunning in fact . Do you know how many women would pay to have this kind of curly hair ? Is the gentleman your Dad ? I have never seen a picture of your Dad . Very cute oicture indeed . God bless , love , maman C

Able Ponder said...

I'm not sure stunning is the word I'd choose :) But wow, Jim, you've aged wonderfully.


yer sister-in-law

Anonymous said...

Why is the older guy drinking two beers?

Anonymous said...

The "older guy with two beers" is, indeed, my father. He's lookin' pretty good in that shot too... I didn't realize that the Coughlins haven't seen a picture.
