Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Pretty Kitty - Naked Belly!

The kitties are doing much better now, to our enormous relief. They still have lost their voices, so when they try to meow Morgan is completely silent and Griffy squeaks like a mouse, but they are sooo much perkier, hungry (for the soft, non throat-scratching food), lovey and much much better. Poor guys.

Anyway, now that Morgan has had a sonogram (to find he was 100% empty and had not swallowed string) his naked little belly has led to a new, very dangerous game around here. You stroke the kitty once starting at his head and going all the way down his back, whispering "Pretty Kitty", which is what we always tell him, but then you alternate this with tickling the naked belly while chirping "naked belly!"

*Swish swish* goes the tail. So far, no one's been mauled playing this game, but no one has dared to play it more than 30 seconds straight, either. :)

In other news,

  • raspberries that Alexe helped me plant are ripening, not very many but I can see them out the office window and I keep ducking out there after work to eat a few yummy berries. Yay!
  • The beans twined around the string trellis I put up sunday... by monday morning. Jim called this "creepy".
  • I have been very uncomfortable in the hot hot work room (vermont is experiencing a heat wave in the 90s and most of us aren't set up to handle that sort of thing), and Jim set up that portable heater slash AC unit in the office for me today, which I actually turned on despite the cost and it's helping a little.
  • I'm making a new flower bed out back against the house. Natalie and Will dug a hole near the house for my plastic pond I had at Green Street. Natalie said: you should bury the pond! I'll dig the hole! ... an hour later we've got the pond in the ground, dumped in the pond buckets with water hyacinth & we're standing next to it going huh... OK now there's a big hole. Maybe we should have slept on that. :)
    Anyway, it's full of little frogs. FULL. There must be 20 of them in there, I have no idea how they found it (it's about 3 by 4 feet) but if you walk out next to it on the (brown, crispy, weed-whacked in preparation for making a flower bed) grass 5 or 6 jump back into the water. And at night, while we're sleeping, we hear little froggy noises. It's really wonderful. :)


Anonymous said...

I see that the comments are working again. YAY!

PLOP goes the frog.


Anonymous said...

Heehee, I just hope your new pond is better than the "pond" Natalie and I dug out by the shed that time.

By the way, if you don't stop posting about all this wonderful stuff that's been going on at your house I just might be tempted to swallow my pride and call Natalie to make up!

Oh well. :)

